Using your phone at the gym…yay or nay?



Look familiar? Okay, so I’ve been pretty religious about my gym routine these past couple of months. go me! With getting a good workout, I’ve noticed a few things about the habits of people at the gym. The one that sticks out the most is being on your phone constantly while working out.

Okay, I get it…they want to distract their selves so they can “workout longer”. Okay, I’ve done this a few times during a few of my workouts. Whenever I bring my phone to the gym with me, I do lose track of time and all of sudden I’m on the treadmill, bike, elliptical for 20 minutes and didn’t realize it. So that may sound great, right? Wrong!

You see not only do you become distracted when you’re using your phone at the gym and you lose track of time, you also don’t workout to your full potential. In a nutshell, you’re not concentrating on what you came to the gym for….working out!!! You’re concentrating on that Facebook post, email correspondence, text message etc etc etc.

Now if you’re using your phone for music to get you pumped up, that’s fine, but does that really require you to be looking at your phone constantly? Last I checked the answer is no!! The only reason why one should have a phone while their working out is they need the inspiration from their own music. Just don’t get too wrapped up in and forget about your workout!

This is why I leave my phone locked up when I go to the gym! So I don’t get distracted. Besides, aren’t we connected to technology like 24/7 it seems? Will it kill you to spend an hour away from your phone so you can focus on your workout? Just try it once… it might be breathtaking to put that phone down for once.

If you need the motivation, try a class to get you motivated to challenge yourself. Nothing’s better than working out with others! Besides during the classes you won’t even have time to think about your phone. That message/phone call can wait. Really…it could.

Imageinstead look like these girls 🙂


Stay Healthy my friends!!



A Quick Guide to Choosing the right Protein drink


Hi Lovelies!

Now that it’s February and you are staying with your fitness goals of going to the gym, you may have heard of your friend drinking a protein after their workout. Why do they do this? What’s the best one?

Your best bet is to READ the LABEL. Some of these protein powders may be delicious and contain adequate protein, however they contain other things, like artificial sweeteners, xantham gum and so many ingredients you don’t know what the heck it is.

Rule of thumb to remember when choosing a Protein Drink, avoid SPLENDA ingredients!! Splenda is by no means a health food and will not benefit your weightloss goals. Here’s a good comparison chart of different Protein drinks to help you decide which is best. Notice the Protein amounts, artificial colors/sweeteners/flavors, rBGH free contents and also carbs.

After looking at this chart, which protein drink would you choose? I choose TLS Whey protein shake…it’s also delicious!!