Fitting in Time to Workout is Easier than you Think


couple jogging running outside...

The past year I have been blessed with not having a “normal 9 to 5”, which made it a whole lot easier to hit the gym and keep up with my Active lifestyle. I know most people do have to attend to a 9 to 5 and sometimes its a 9-7, slacking on your physical fitness should NEVER be an option. Giving yourself time to workout is SO important for your health. Why work if your health is in shambles? 

Here are a few tips to help you keep an active lifestyle even for the busiest person:

-Wake up early!! Waking up early can really kickstart your day, give you more energy AND you’re more likely to have a BETTER day at the office. Since working out kicks in your endorphins, you will more awake than before. Just try it once. If you’re a Gym-goer, there are plenty of early morning classes to choose from. Like the outdoors? Go for a morning run/walk before all your kids wake up. You could also stay home and pop in your favorite workout video, there are plenty of videos out there. Try Insanity!

-Pack your Workout clothes. If you’re not a morning person, pack your workout clothes to stop at the gym or park after work. I’m sure there’s at least ONE gym/park on your way home. Heck, this will even free up that traffic on the roadways so you don’t have to sit in traffic for hours. One hour at the gym is all it takes. Plenty of After-work classes to choose from!!!

-If Location allows, choose to bike to work. If you live in a Metro area and within distance to your office, choose to bike to work. If you don’t and you don’t have anything holding you back where you live; consider moving closer. Choosing alternative forms of commute is not only better for the environment its healthier for you.

-Turn your lunch hour into Fitness Hour. Sometimes your schedule is just so busy on any day with late meetings after work, not allowing for an after work Workout. So, do it on your Lunch  Hour! You can even choose to walk (speed walking is best) to a restaurant near by; save gas, get exercise, save time. It’s a win, win situation. Plus, you won’t get too sweaty like you would going to the gym. If you do have more time for lunch, hit the gym or see if your work offers Lunch hour fitness classes and join!

-Have a Romantic & Healthy Date Night. Making time for relationships is important for your relationship health. Why not go for a stroll or hit the gym together? Afterwards, you can still go for drinks/dinner. You’ll both feel so much better after some exercise. Nothings better than working out with the one you love.  Can’t find a sitter for your little ones? Take your kids with you, just strap them in their stroller or on a child’s bike seat and let them enjoy the fresh air. Trust me they’ll thank you later.

Well there you have 4 tips to fitting your Workout in your schedule. Do you do any of these? Any other tips you have for keeping up with a busy workout routine?

Walking can be a great workout



If you’re not a runner like me, don’t worry you can still lose the pounds while walking. Walking has always been a great way to shed pounds and get in shape. If you would rather go for a stroll in the park than hit the trail running at a 6 mph  pace (at least) then you’ll want to read further.

We have all heard that walking just 30 minutes a day is all we need for our Physical activity, well this is true to a point. if you want to just maintain your weight, you’ll be fine with sticking to your 30 minute a day walks. If you want to lose weight, you might to pick up the step a little bit with these simple suggestions:


Picking up the pace to a 4.0 mph walk for 45 minutes (or broken up into 3 15 minute workouts a day) will give you a great workout according to . This will help you hit the magic 240-minute-per week goal for walking, which has been studied that this is amount of walking you should be taking in if you want to lose weight, by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Adding variety to your walking workout will help you with your weightloss goals as well. Fitnessmagazine suggests, implementing a upper-body workout twice a week, A steady 4 mph or higher (45 minutes) 3 times a week, “burn and firm’ workout 2 days a week and one “Break” day. For more details on this workout check out


What do you guys think of this Walking Workout? Let me know your thoughts below 🙂


Stay healthy!

Using your phone at the gym…yay or nay?



Look familiar? Okay, so I’ve been pretty religious about my gym routine these past couple of months. go me! With getting a good workout, I’ve noticed a few things about the habits of people at the gym. The one that sticks out the most is being on your phone constantly while working out.

Okay, I get it…they want to distract their selves so they can “workout longer”. Okay, I’ve done this a few times during a few of my workouts. Whenever I bring my phone to the gym with me, I do lose track of time and all of sudden I’m on the treadmill, bike, elliptical for 20 minutes and didn’t realize it. So that may sound great, right? Wrong!

You see not only do you become distracted when you’re using your phone at the gym and you lose track of time, you also don’t workout to your full potential. In a nutshell, you’re not concentrating on what you came to the gym for….working out!!! You’re concentrating on that Facebook post, email correspondence, text message etc etc etc.

Now if you’re using your phone for music to get you pumped up, that’s fine, but does that really require you to be looking at your phone constantly? Last I checked the answer is no!! The only reason why one should have a phone while their working out is they need the inspiration from their own music. Just don’t get too wrapped up in and forget about your workout!

This is why I leave my phone locked up when I go to the gym! So I don’t get distracted. Besides, aren’t we connected to technology like 24/7 it seems? Will it kill you to spend an hour away from your phone so you can focus on your workout? Just try it once… it might be breathtaking to put that phone down for once.

If you need the motivation, try a class to get you motivated to challenge yourself. Nothing’s better than working out with others! Besides during the classes you won’t even have time to think about your phone. That message/phone call can wait. Really…it could.

Imageinstead look like these girls 🙂


Stay Healthy my friends!!



The Isotonix Advantage


ImageHave you ever impatiently waited for a taxi or at the office elevator, just to discover that the one you waited for was full of people? You are then forced to wait for the next one.

The vitamin and mineral supplements that we take have to go through a similar process, every day. Your digestive system has specific absorption sites for nutrients. To be absorbed into the blood stream, they must use a transport shuttle– the equivalent of that taxi or elevator. Like any transportation system, nutrient shuttles have limited capacity, becoming overwhelmed very quickly.

Unlike people, your digestive system can’t wait for the “next shuttle”, if the transport is unavailable, they will move down the digestive tract to eliminate in our waste. This is why some people say vitamins are “expensive pee”. That’s only true to a point, if your body is able to absorb the nutrients quick enough, you will benefit from the vitamins and minerals. If your body is not able to break down the nutrients quick enough, then yes it will just be “expensive pee”.

This brings us to the main advantage of Isotonix supplements. They are formulated to move from the stomach at an optimized rate to maximize absorption. It’s fast, but controlled, allowing your body’s transport mechanism to efficiently shuttle vitamins into the blood stream.

Vitamin pills on the other hand can not deliver the same performance because they either saturate the absorption shuttles and deliver only a fraction of what they contain or the pill may not dissolve properly and pass by the absorption sites.

The fluids in our bodies have an almost constant concentration of dissolved salts, sugars, and minerals. At this concentration, nutrients and molecules essential for proper cell metabolism are most efficiently transported through the cell walls. Isotonix products, when mixed with the proper amount of water, are the same pressure as your bodily fluids, which speeds up the absorption and prevents  the discomfort some people feel when taking vitamin/minerals in tablet form.

Lastly, Isotonix products are buffered to protect nutrients from stomach acid degradation. This ensures maximum delivery of active ingredients at full potency. Isotonix products are formulated to deliver a concentrated solution of nutrients at the right rate for maximum absorption. There is no other product like. There may be imitations, but they are only imitators. There’s only one Isotonix. Contact me for more info on Isotonix products.


Stay Healthy!!