Finding your Passion


beauty within

ImageThis week a Dear friend and community leader was suddenly taken away from our lives , in her Memory I dedicate this blog post to the beautiful and humble Mrs. Rashi Minkowicz OBM.

Everyone who came across Rashi knows how much she cared about her community and expressed it through her wonderful events, inspirational advice or just gentle love. Rashi not only showed about finding your passion, but was a prime example on implementing her passion throughout the community.

This week’s tragedy tells that we don’t know when our live will end.  We must act NOW on our dreams and fulfill our purpose in life! There may not be a tomorrow. Live everyday like it’s your last.

So, just how do you find your passion? If you are really lost on what your purpose should be, you need to decide what do you unconsciously spend your time doing or reading…

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Finding your Passion


ImageThis week a Dear friend and community leader was suddenly taken away from our lives , in her Memory I dedicate this blog post to the beautiful and humble Mrs. Rashi Minkowicz OBM.

Everyone who came across Rashi knows how much she cared about her community and expressed it through her wonderful events, inspirational advice or just gentle love. Rashi not only showed about finding your passion, but was a prime example on implementing her passion throughout the community.

This week’s tragedy tells that we don’t know when our live will end.  We must act NOW on our dreams and fulfill our purpose in life! There may not be a tomorrow. Live everyday like it’s your last.

So, just how do you find your passion? If you are really lost on what your purpose should be, you need to decide what do you unconsciously spend your time doing or reading. Do you find yourself skimming to the fashion section in your magazine? Do you have a nitch for health? Cooking? Sewing? Whatever you enjoy the most with minimal effort is your passion.

I have discovered my passion is living healthy and nutrition. I have always found myself being intrigued in that nutrition article and loved going to the gym. I have also noticed that there are a ton of people that are not satisfied with their current weight or who struggle with staying healthy. One of my goals for this blog is reach our the community around me and help those who want help reach their fitness and health goals. In the past, I have been acting on this passion not as pro actively as I could. In honor of my dear friend I will take on this passion with a more proactive mindset and go out and lend my hand on more occasions.

Stay healthy my friends!


Become a Motives Advisor today!


Hello Beauties,

Sorry I haven’t been blogging as much lately, I’ll try to get to it more next week. (2 blogs next week instead of 1).

Anyways, I just wanted to inform you that I’m looking for people who LOVE makeup and would like to earn some extra cash doing what they love!! Please watch this video for more info.

If this video sounds interesting to you or you would like more info please get back to me in the comments!

Thanks loves.
More to come next week! 🙂

How to achieve your Resolution goals


Hi Lovelies!


Now that we are almost in the 2nd full week of the New Year, you have either already dropped your resolution or still have high hopes on keeping it (hopefully it’s this one). Here are some helpful hints to help you stay on track well into this year:

1. First things first, you must determine your “Why”, also known as your purpose. This is ultimate reason why you have set out for this resolution. It will also be your burning desire and help you stay on track when things start to go..uhhh..sour..

2. Have an accountability partner/team. It’s always to go at your goals with a buddy. Tell someone that you trust and will help keep you on track your goals and any time frame you want to achieve them by. It’s always easier for someone else to tell you to get going than sometimes motivating yourself to do it. Although, you MUST have this internal motivational to keep at it, if you don’t then nothing will be accomplished, EVER. For example, if your goal is to lose weight/get healthy; have a buddy join the gym you attend or schedule workouts together. It’s always easier to workout with a buddy than by yourself. Also, have that buddy keep you accountable for your diets.

3. Minimize Stress.

Image Making big changes to your life can and will be stressful. It’s important to stay clear of stress by taking a Yoga/pilates class, or try journalling your thoughts, if writing is your passion. Talk things out with your mentor , and ALWAYS make time for fun. It’s okay if you had that piece of chocolate or procrastinated a networking meeting, just do better TOMORROW. The past is the past, you can’t change it, but the future is yours to create.

4. Prioritize Sleep. During stressful times you might want to skip out on sleep. This will only worsen your health and decrease your chances of achieving your goals. So, make sure to get a proper amount of sleep each day (7-9 hours a night).

Whatever your goals for 2014 are, whether you want to drop 50 pounds or land that new job. Keeping track of your small successes is KEY to help you staying on track.


Good luck! Do you have any other suggestions for staying on track?


Loren Ridinger’s tips on blemish-free skin


Loren Ridinger's tips on blemish-free skin

Having a clear face can boost your confidence. I know I’m most confident when my skin is clear of acne. When pimples pop up and acne starts to flare, it really does deflate your ego/confidence.
Fortunately, I came across Loren Ridinger and tried her tips to clear skin; and today my skin couldn’t be more beautiful! Thank you Loren!

Make time to Exercise


Making time to exercise may seem like it’s a simple thing to do, but in reality, are you really exercising as much as you should be? Its not hard to get absorbed in the daily grind of things like work, kids, significant other etc. etc…

It only takes an hour a day to get your exercise routine a A ROUTINE. Here are some simple tips you can try to get your daily exercise in:



1.  Try waking up an hour earlier.  The morning is a great time to get your exercise in, it’s also a great way to start your day. You’ll probably even get more done throughout the day. Doesn’t have to be much, just start with going for a walk and build up to a run.

2. Use your lunch break to go out the gym (if your office is close enough), or just go for a walk. You might even be able to walk to the restaurant you want to eat at. Simple way to get exercise. Don’t forget to stretch.

3. Try swapping your chair at work for a bouncy ball, this will get your ab-core worked out. May be uncomfortable at first, but after awhile you’ll have those rock hard abs.

4. Not a morning person? Go to the gym or for a walk after work. Make it part of your daily routine and if you skip , then you pay yourself $1 for every workout missed.

5. Make it romantic. Go for a stroll with your sig other before or after dinner, either walk or run. This might even improve your relationship 🙂


Best advice is to just move throughout the day, take frequent breaks to stretch, walk around the office and reconnect to yourself.

The Importance of Using Social Media


The Importance of Using LinkedIn.


After reading this article, I was awaken from my misuse of Linkedin. With all of the facebooking, twittering, google posting, pressing, pinnng …and Linkedin; its hard to keep track of what each site is unique for.

Facebook is primarily for reconnecting and connecting with people from your past and present. No, this does not mean you should be looking up your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend and stalking them! You should be finding people from your past who have the same interests as you, same likes..or people that you had a good relationship with in the past and somehow it just went out the window, for whatever reason.

Why is this important? You never know when you’ll need a connection for your business, (present or future) or if you need a job lead. If you have QUALITY relationships built with friends on facebook; they’ll more likely be there to help.

Linkedin…is similar to facebook , yet its professional. Posting your family vacation photos would not be acceptable on linkedin. Who do you want to connect with? primarily the same..people from your past. Linkedin is powerful for groups. To make the most out of your groups, be ACTIVE in them and Engage in the conversation. This is how people will ADD you. you don’t want to become an “adding” machine, it’s best when you have people adding YOU!!


Twitter…is good for following the latest news and trends. Whether its CNN, health, fashion, cars..whatever you’re interests are…you choose what you want to follow. For business owners, this would be your “selling” platform. Although, doing it in a sharing way is more powerful than that sales pitch.


Pintrest…is great for sharing what you love . Do you have that DIY nitch? Ever want to be that fashion editor ? Now you can with pintrest. What’s great about pintrest is you can connect with people on your facebook and twitter. Like other people’s trends and create your own. Also a good business tool.

Most important thing to remember is to not be discouraged if you don’t get the results you want right away. It takes time and patience. You also have to be consistent. Consistency is probably the most important thing to remember when using social media. Will that long time friend really be your friend after one talk/tweet/post/share? Most likely takes time..same goes for Linkedin..don’t just message once or post once and expect an instant job offer. You have to develop the relationship (the same way you do offline..can be done online); then maybe one of you find a way to help each other out.