Why a little Retail-therepy is good for you.


I wake up this morning and although I started to do my “usual” routine, I just didn’t seem focused or motivated as I have been in the past to really get my work accomplished. So, I decided to shut the computer down and take a walk at the mall. Yes, the mall.

Going for a stroll in the mall can be relaxing and even energizing for our health. Even going the extra mile and trying on a few cute outfits, and if your budget allows, purchasing them can help you feel better and more relaxed. Even if you don’t purchase, just shopping around makes us happier and more relaxed.

After I got finished strolling the mall, I was ready to take on the day. Besides, going through the mall also makes us realize why we do what we do, we do want that latest fashions don’t we? Or maybe your want the latest technology tool or kitchen gadget? Whatever it is, going to the mall and actually looking at the items as well as price tags, pushes you just a little bit more to accomplish your goals to get that bonus, sale, next customer , better job, higher position… whatever it is your goal is. In reality, having money really does help us be less stressed. Of course, you don’t want to mis-manage your money, cause then you’ll go back to being broke  AGAIN.

So when you’re feeling a little sluggish or un-motivated to keep going, go ahead and go for a stroll at your local mall and try on some clothes, just forget about those deadlines for an hour or two, I promise after that couple hours you’ll feel more refreshed and ready to press the “go” button again.

Stay beautiful!

Julie Snitzer