Is Bottled Water Worth the cost?





Bottled water is everywhere nowadays, especially with more and more people becoming health conscious and wanting to down their H20 intake by the gallons each day. Carrying a bottle of water with you has become human nature for most people. But, really is it worth the cost , not to mention the damage to the environment?

In a word, I say no. @suzannehobbs stated in a post on that bottled water is costly and really is not as good as the Beverage Marketing Corporation says it is.

Okay, if you live in a rare country that does not have clean drinking water, (United States is not one of them), then I would recommend bottled water. For everyone else that live in countries where the drinking water is relatively safe, BOTTLED WATER IS A WASTE OF MONEY!! We are tricked by marketers that bottled water is “enhanced with vitamins, electrolytes” it must be better right? Wrong! Okay, the bottled water isn’t going to kill you, however neither is that tap water! We are tricked by these marketers that tap water will cause sickness etc.. .and in most civilized countries that is strictly false.

Not to mention that even the cheapest bottled water is more expensive than taking a sip from the drinking fountain, all of these millions of plastic bottles clog the landfills and our oceans. (Where are fishies swim and mistaken the plastic particles for food, which then you eat..) Yes, there are other things made from plastic, but by not buying bottled water any more, this will SAVE our oceans from being contaminated by just a little bit. It’s one simple step.

If you don’t trust your city’s tap water, I’d suggest you have it tested and/or invest in a filter for your sink. PureH2O water filtration system is a great choice. Comment below to find out more about this filter system.

Also, investing in a glass, BPH free water bottle is still less expensive than purchasing all those bottles of water, besides..its heavy to carry all that around. Save your back, save our oceans; drink Filtered tap water!

What are your thoughts on drinking bottled water? Let me know below

Stay Healthy!

Julie Snitzer

2 thoughts on “Is Bottled Water Worth the cost?

  1. what about the new waters that have a higher ph , alkanalizing – some people say that they are good for your body and can help in terms of cancers and certain illness. Just curious anyones thoughts,

    • Interesting question tabbiecat66, I would say it depends on the brand of Water. I know if you area going to “buy bottled”, Smart Water is the best. There’s relatively nothing wrong with the bottled water, it’s just a matter of ‘saving money” to not buy it. The benefit from bottled water really don’t outweigh cost.

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