How to Order at Starbucks Without Gaining Weight


We all love our coffee, we also love our bodies and with the warmer weather approaching, more of us are more cautious about what we eat. Even though you have switched from that sandwich to a salad, and you taken your Workout to the next level, your weight still isn’t going anywhere. One thing to consider can be your Coffee routine, Your Morning or afternoon Coffee “treat” can be packing on more calories (and pounds) than you may have liked. Good News is, You don’t have to give up your Coffee to maintain your weight loss goals. However, being a little more careful about WHAT you order at Starbucks (or other coffee-chains) can make a difference on your pant-size. Here are a few guidelines to remember next time you are deciding what drink to get.

1. The Less Words in the Drink the Better

The more “simpler” your drink order is the more likely it is to contain less calories. For examples that Grande White Chocolate Mocha  Image

has a Whopping 470 Calories and 59 grams of Sugar!! (made with the Standard 2% milk and Whipped Cream). If you take off the Whipped Cream you drop 70 calories and 1 gram of sugar. Still  a little too much calories. If you got your White Chocolate Mocha “Frappuccino” Style, there’s a little less calories (430 calories), however there’s not less sugar, there’s 67 grams of sugar in a 16 oz. Grande Beverage! That’s a bit hefty for a “snack”. Even “Iced” the White Chocolate Mocha still has a whopping 450 Calories and 55 grams of Sugar.

If you are in the mood for Chocolate, choose the “Regular” Mocha, this drink (Grande Size) has 330 Calories and 35 Grams of Sugar (Still a bit heavy, but a lot better than that 470 calories).

ImageAnd that “Nonfat” milk still has the 67 grams of sugar, with 420 calories with the white chocolate). It may be “nonfat”, but certainly not a better choice. Nonfat milk is harder for your body to digest and will actually cause that Sugar to turn into fat much faster VS. with “Whole-milk”, the milk has natural probiotics to allow for the better digestion and absorption.

Think “Sugar-Free” is any better?  Think again! Sugar Free syrups are made with Splenda, which is  a chemical that actually makes you gain MORE weight. So that “Skinny Vanilla Latte” Really isn’t that “Skinny” after all.

2. Always say “Unsweetened”

A few weeks ago Starbucks unveiled their “NEW” Sweet Iced Tea. The Standard Grande Size Sweet Iced Tea has a whopping 80 calories and 21 grams of Sugar, while the “Unsweetened” version has 0 calories/sugar. If you need a little sugar, just add ONE pack of Sugar in the Raw or your own “Stevia” (natural-plant based sweetener). Even the Iced Coffee should be “lightly Sweetened” with “Less pumps” and “less milk”

3. Choose “Iced” verses “Blended”


If you do want that heavy cold-espresso based drink ALWAYS choose “Over ice” VS. “Blended” or in Starbucks terms “Frappuccino”. Most Coffeehouse blended drinks have extra sugar in the “blended/frappuccino” base for consistency. Iced drinks are made with Milk, Espresso, and Sugar. (Opt for no whipped cream as well, and Choose Whole milk instead of 2% or Nonfat). (i.e. Frappuccino drinks have more processed junk, and “iced” drinks have more “whole” ingredients.)

A ‘Flavored” Iced Latte has 190 Calories with 28 Grams of sugar, VS. the Frappuccino Version containing a Whopping 310 Calories and 67 grams of Sugar!! (This is with Whole milk and NO Whipped Cream).  So, when that “Frappuccino Happy Hour” rolls around, think twice about going….

Well there you have 3 simple suggestions to order your Coffehouse drink this summer (and year round).

What are some ways you order your drinks during the Slim-down Summer months?


**All nutrition information Courtesy of , based on Grande Drinks.

Why a little Retail-therepy is good for you.


I wake up this morning and although I started to do my “usual” routine, I just didn’t seem focused or motivated as I have been in the past to really get my work accomplished. So, I decided to shut the computer down and take a walk at the mall. Yes, the mall.

Going for a stroll in the mall can be relaxing and even energizing for our health. Even going the extra mile and trying on a few cute outfits, and if your budget allows, purchasing them can help you feel better and more relaxed. Even if you don’t purchase, just shopping around makes us happier and more relaxed.

After I got finished strolling the mall, I was ready to take on the day. Besides, going through the mall also makes us realize why we do what we do, we do want that latest fashions don’t we? Or maybe your want the latest technology tool or kitchen gadget? Whatever it is, going to the mall and actually looking at the items as well as price tags, pushes you just a little bit more to accomplish your goals to get that bonus, sale, next customer , better job, higher position… whatever it is your goal is. In reality, having money really does help us be less stressed. Of course, you don’t want to mis-manage your money, cause then you’ll go back to being broke  AGAIN.

So when you’re feeling a little sluggish or un-motivated to keep going, go ahead and go for a stroll at your local mall and try on some clothes, just forget about those deadlines for an hour or two, I promise after that couple hours you’ll feel more refreshed and ready to press the “go” button again.

Stay beautiful!

Julie Snitzer

Is Bottled Water Worth the cost?





Bottled water is everywhere nowadays, especially with more and more people becoming health conscious and wanting to down their H20 intake by the gallons each day. Carrying a bottle of water with you has become human nature for most people. But, really is it worth the cost , not to mention the damage to the environment?

In a word, I say no. @suzannehobbs stated in a post on that bottled water is costly and really is not as good as the Beverage Marketing Corporation says it is.

Okay, if you live in a rare country that does not have clean drinking water, (United States is not one of them), then I would recommend bottled water. For everyone else that live in countries where the drinking water is relatively safe, BOTTLED WATER IS A WASTE OF MONEY!! We are tricked by marketers that bottled water is “enhanced with vitamins, electrolytes” it must be better right? Wrong! Okay, the bottled water isn’t going to kill you, however neither is that tap water! We are tricked by these marketers that tap water will cause sickness etc.. .and in most civilized countries that is strictly false.

Not to mention that even the cheapest bottled water is more expensive than taking a sip from the drinking fountain, all of these millions of plastic bottles clog the landfills and our oceans. (Where are fishies swim and mistaken the plastic particles for food, which then you eat..) Yes, there are other things made from plastic, but by not buying bottled water any more, this will SAVE our oceans from being contaminated by just a little bit. It’s one simple step.

If you don’t trust your city’s tap water, I’d suggest you have it tested and/or invest in a filter for your sink. PureH2O water filtration system is a great choice. Comment below to find out more about this filter system.

Also, investing in a glass, BPH free water bottle is still less expensive than purchasing all those bottles of water, besides..its heavy to carry all that around. Save your back, save our oceans; drink Filtered tap water!

What are your thoughts on drinking bottled water? Let me know below

Stay Healthy!

Julie Snitzer